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Public Funding for SMEs


About This Course

Horizon Europe, the largest European Research and Innovation Funding Programme is one of the most attractive but also challenging european funding opportunity for SMEs. As long as you master how to exploit it successfully, you will feel very comfortable to exploit any european funding opportunity as an SME. This course is suitable for individuals responsible for finding european grants for the business development or the Research and Innovation of their manufacturing SME. Participants can be complete novices or advanced experts since the whole course will be based on a step-by-step recipe with detailed instructions applicable to everyone. The whole process will be demystified and everything will be put in the proper order so that each participant will be able to apply the full recipe right after the course. Participants will become familiar with the various funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs and mainly understand mainly how Horizon Europe is structured and how to take advantage of it, namely, how they will identify funding opportunities suitable for them as well as hidden but public information and take advantage of all of them. They will master the full proposal development, i.e. how a collaborative grant application should be built starting on how to develop a great idea up to the submission of your full proposal. Participants will master also how to get involved effectively as partners and not necessarily as proposal initiators in potential consortia that build collaborative grant applications.


The course consists of the following 4 Modules.

Module 0: European funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs.

  • The various European Funding Opportunities

  • How to identify the most attractive funding opportunities for your SME

Module 1: Horizon Europe Structure and the available different funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs

  • Funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs in Pillar 1 of Horizon Europe

  • Funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs in Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe

  • Funding opportunities for manufacturing SMEs in Pillar 3 of Horizon Europe

Module 2: Intelligence behind Horizon Europe for manufacturing SMEs

  • Intelligence behind key Horizon Europe documents

  • Intelligence behind Horizon Europe structure and TRLs

  • Intelligence behind type of actions

  • Intelligence behind key Horizon Europe concepts such as expected outcomes, expected impacts, impact pathways

  • Intelligence behind bottom-up and top-down calls

  • Intelligence behind a call topic description

Module 3: The full Proposal Development Cycle in Horizon Europe

  • How to develop a great idea in Horizon Europe

  • Whom to connect with and get feedback on your proposal idea

  • How to build a summary of your targeted call topic

  • How to build a summary of your proposal

  • How to attract the best partners on board

  • How to write the full proposal grant application

  • What to do before one week and 2 days before the proposal submission

Module 4: Get invited as a manufacturing SME in potential consortia

  • what makes you unique as a manufacturing SME (Hint: It is not your expertise)

  • What added value you should contribute

  • How to identify potential applicants in Horizon Europe interested in your profile (hint: Not via the search partner facilities)

  • How to approach and convince potential applicants in Horizon Europe to take you on board


  • Understand the different funding opportunities available for manufacturing SMEs in Horizon Europe

  • Understand the intelligence behind Horizon Europe for manufacturing SMEs and how to take it into advantage

  • Understand the full proposal development cycle of an Horizon Europe grant

  • Learn how to improve significantly your profile as a manufacturing SME and get invited in potential consortia in Horizon Europe

Course staff

  • <>
  • Dr. Nikolaos Floratos (B.eng, M.Sc, M.B.A., B.A, PhD)

    /I. Overview/ Nikolaos has a multidisciplinary education with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from City University London, a Bachelor of Humanities in Greek Civilisation from Open Hellenic University, a Master of science in Telecommunications and Signal Processing from Imperial College, London, an MBA from NTUA and AUEB and recently awarded with Excellence his PhD on student engagement in massive open online courses from Open University of Catalonia. He has 25 years experience in Research and Innovation grant applications and projects and the last 19 consecutive years he is an evaluator on behalf of the European Commission. He is a master in taking complex concepts and decomposing them into easy to understand and easy to apply step-by-step recipes. His linkedin profile is at

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  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

    Dec 1, 2022
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